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Hatlines 70 | EN

Hatlines 70 | EN


Hatlines 70 EN | Summer 2020

In this issue:

Cover hat by Myra van de Korput cover
Dutch couturier Ronald van der Kemp interview
In times of Corona | feedback hat shops Cappello, House of Hats, Mirjam Nuver, Martine Verstraeten report
New challenges by Rob de Groot column
Homesick for Royal Ascot event review
Final exam collections 2020 report
Faith & hope by Alice So column
The workspace of Stephanie Spencer workspace
Books & bouquets by Alice So column
The hat collection of Ute Patel-Missfeldt hat collection
70 tips & tricks technique
Hat chat Georgia Skelton & Sandy Forrester MAA pages
Millinery, nursing and Covid-19 MAA pages
Announcement NHV Hat Show & NHV Hat Day 2020 event
Book Hat Couture by Marianne Jongkind nieuws
As long as the hair looks OK!' by Wies Mauduit column
New member Marielle van der Schrier new member