Hatlines 70 | EN
Hatlines 70 EN | Summer 2020
In this issue:
Cover hat by Myra van de Korput | cover |
Dutch couturier Ronald van der Kemp | interview |
In times of Corona | feedback hat shops Cappello, House of Hats, Mirjam Nuver, Martine Verstraeten | report |
New challenges by Rob de Groot | column |
Homesick for Royal Ascot | event review |
Final exam collections 2020 | report |
Faith & hope by Alice So | column |
The workspace of Stephanie Spencer | workspace |
Books & bouquets by Alice So | column |
The hat collection of Ute Patel-Missfeldt | hat collection |
70 tips & tricks | technique |
Hat chat Georgia Skelton & Sandy Forrester | MAA pages |
Millinery, nursing and Covid-19 | MAA pages |
Announcement NHV Hat Show & NHV Hat Day 2020 | event |
Book Hat Couture by Marianne Jongkind | nieuws |
As long as the hair looks OK!' by Wies Mauduit | column |
New member Marielle van der Schrier | new member |