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Hatlines 71 | EN

Hatlines 71 | EN


Hatlines 71 EN | Autumn 2020

In this issue:

Cover hat by Karin Groenendijk cover
Carina Marcon, hat designer & stiffening supplies agent interview
Even better than expected by Rob de Groot column
Trends & colours A/W 20/21 trends
Waste not, want not! column
The repair shop | maintenance of antique sewing machines technique
PrinsjesHatwalk 2020 event review
Prinsjesdag 2020 event review
The hat collection of Laura del Villaggio hat collection
Hard hats for hard times by Alice So column
Social Media Tip snippet
Flashback snippet
Conny Plooij snippet
A journey back in time to the world of hats report
A beautiful world of paper sculptures by Ute Patel-Missfeldt interview
Suzhou by student Eilin Ooms column
The hat collection of Judith Boyd hat collection
Pressing pads technique
TV series 'The Great' | Costumes by Emma Fryer report
Lockdown fun MAA pages
A cocktail celebration | Isolation millinery photo competition MAA pages
Programme NHV Hat Day 2020 event
Like a sultana by Wies Mauduit column
New member Jane Moy new member