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Hatlines 72 | EN

Hatlines 72 | EN


Hatlines 72 EN | Winter 2020

In this issue:

Cover hat by Mirjam Nuver cover
Introducing hat designer Elisabeth Koch interview
Ready for the winter by Rob de Groot column
Palma Hat Week 2020 report
Fashions on your Front Lawn and Millinery Award 2020 report
LHW Exhibition To the Future and Back report
Just a spoonful of vinegar makes the steamer go round column
A special anniversary year for Myra van de Korput snippet
Bert Leefkens snippet
The hat collection of Kim Butteriss hat collection
Creating an online hat exhibit by the Milliners Guild report
Circles in millinery technique
The English Game | Costumes by Pam Downe report
Frida & Friends by Alice So column
Exhibition by Marianne Jongkind report
Exhibition NHV Hat Design Contest 2020 report
NHV Hat Day & Show 2020 report
Judges' verdict & winners NHV Hat Design Contest 2020 report
Entries NHV Hat Design Contest 2020 report
NHV Hat Design Contest 2021 | Waste not, want not! event
A green future by student Luuk Bijnen column
Hat Chat with Andrea Cainero and Penelope Gervaise MAA pages
Cabbage tree hats MAA pages
The workspace of Elizabeth Hemsley workspace
Furry musings by Wies Mauduit column
New member Yara de Vries new member