Hatlines 72 | EN
Hatlines 72 EN | Winter 2020
In this issue:
Cover hat by Mirjam Nuver | cover |
Introducing hat designer Elisabeth Koch | interview |
Ready for the winter by Rob de Groot | column |
Palma Hat Week 2020 | report |
Fashions on your Front Lawn and Millinery Award 2020 | report |
LHW Exhibition To the Future and Back | report |
Just a spoonful of vinegar makes the steamer go round | column |
A special anniversary year for Myra van de Korput | snippet |
Bert Leefkens | snippet |
The hat collection of Kim Butteriss | hat collection |
Creating an online hat exhibit by the Milliners Guild | report |
Circles in millinery | technique |
The English Game | Costumes by Pam Downe | report |
Frida & Friends by Alice So | column |
Exhibition by Marianne Jongkind | report |
Exhibition NHV Hat Design Contest 2020 | report |
NHV Hat Day & Show 2020 | report |
Judges' verdict & winners NHV Hat Design Contest 2020 | report |
Entries NHV Hat Design Contest 2020 | report |
NHV Hat Design Contest 2021 | Waste not, want not! | event |
A green future by student Luuk Bijnen | column |
Hat Chat with Andrea Cainero and Penelope Gervaise | MAA pages |
Cabbage tree hats | MAA pages |
The workspace of Elizabeth Hemsley | workspace |
Furry musings by Wies Mauduit | column |
New member Yara de Vries | new member |